Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Neil Sedaka was RIGHT!

Alrighty. So Magellan and I are quits. Hooray! How fitting that I choose the nomical Magellan for him...this was not a forward going name and historical figures often belong in their own time frames.

To re-cap, Magellan and I went out on a total of three (3) dates before he went off to the frozen East for the Holidays. He was gone a total of 10 days. During his 10 day absence I received (in total) 28 text messages, 6 phone calls and 12 emails. That is a LOT of communication for a mere 10 day absence...don't ya think?

I understand that had I been really into him I most likely would have been overjoyed at the amount of attention he was giving me. I know this. This is why I had been dreading him coming home and the fact that I had borrowed some movies from him so that I couldn't do my normal Ostrich trick of burying my head in the sand and instead was forced to have "a chat" with Magellan.

After reading the comments from The Sunday Morning Hangover, I agreed wholeheartedly that there was no other recourse but to end my ever so brief exchange with Magellan. Then the waiting game began. I was really dreading the actual face to face encounter.

Now I understand why in the last year I had 2 men break up with me over the phone. Neil Sedaka was not kidding when he wrote that song - Breaking up IS hard to do. Especially when there really isn't anything too terribly wrong with the person. I could break up with Charles Manson without much thought given to my "speech", but with a genuinely nice (albeit all together too enthusiastic) guy like Magellan...I was working out my script in my head 2 days in advance.

I couldn't POSSIBLY break up with Magellan over the phone as I have previously ranted about the callousness of a phone break up. Also...I had to return his belongings. What a dilemma!

To his credit he took it much better than I had anticipated. We agreed to meet for coffee near his place and had a wee (awkward for me) visit before I finally came clean. I told him I had met someone new (true...will update on him soon) and that it seems to be firing on all cylinders there. I was not expecting the Spanish Inquisition from Magellan ("Noboby expects the Spanish Inquisition....our chief weapons are..."). I suppose he felt he needed to ask several questions in order to find closure and acceptance for his fate.

Initially I was reluctant to tell Magellan the truth about me meeting someone else, but as Tinfoiled had pointed out, had I simply told Magellan he seemed overly keen, he would no doubt offer to change his needy behavior in order to keep seeing me. Even if that were the case, I was still not interested in pursuing things with him.

So we parted ways on what I think was amicable terms. I have no doubt that I will not run into Magellan nor will he contact me. He seemed definite that he did not want further contact with me after my "fast moves" (his words). At one point he did bitterly retort "While the cat's away I guess the mice will play". Which I chose to ignore. I was not going to be baited into having an argument with him.

I would class this one as a Bandaid Breakup- quick and relatively painless. All in all it took me less than 10 minutes to end things with him. Fastest break up yet! I wonder if I will win a prize for that...hmmm...not likely.

I will post about the new dude soon(ish). Let's see if we make it past 3 weeks before I blog him.

So what did we learn here people??? Three things:
1) No breaking up with someone over the phone!
2) Return all possessions to the other party!
3) No body expects the Spanish Inquisition!



The Sunday Morning Hangover said...

Yay! I bet yer glad you did this sooner than later!

Oh and thanks for mentioning my blog.
Onward to your next relationship and don't look back.

Tin Foiled said...

Sweet -- I gave useful advice!