Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Get on the groovy train


Lady K has started her own blog. There you may read and witness and be regaled by all things that this Goddess of Art creates, thinks about creating and comments on creation in general. Lady K is absolutely, and without a doubt, one of my closest and dearest and most treasured friends. No matter how many times I fall to pieces...she can put me back together again. I secretly believe she has a map of me tucked away somewhere and can refer to it easily should I become shattered and she finds herself having to reassemble me. Yes, I am Humpty Dumpty and I often take nasty spills of the wall of Love...and who needs all the Kings Horses when you have such a beautiful friend as Lady K?

The other thing I must point out is that Lady K herself is very good with words and sayings. I admit I have fully stolen a few of them- I will share one with you now. "Marinate in your singleness" The wit and wisdom in this sentence is staggering. She is also the genius behind the Dating citations....soon you will hear all about these and how I plan to execute them.

Honestly...you really must check out her site and be in awe of all her art! I am. She even designed my beautiful butterfly tattoo and I tell everyone who will listen to me about it. I am also fortunate to have one of her Faery Bra Paintings hanging in my dining room.

As I am a technological peasant...I have been blogging since Sept but only just today figured out how to light up Lady K and provide the much needed link to her site.

Lady K has also been kind enough to give me Tinfoiled's blog. He is currently living in le joilie Paris and you may read about his adventures and evocative observations. It is an understatement to say that it is an absolute delight to talk with him and if you read his blog you will understand my meaning. Words Words Words people....a thesaurus for everyone this Christmas!

I am so excited but in an enormous amount of pain. How much more can I type with my migraine in full swing? Not much more and certainly not something particularly creative.
Best to go and soak my head really.

Bon Soir!
Good night

1 comment:

Tin Foiled said...

Rah rah me! Thanks for the kind words.

I feel shabby compared to your blog though -- if there's anything personal in mine, it crept in there by accident! On the other hand, I'm captivated by elegance and intimacy of your stories.

I went back and read through them all, from top to bottom.