Thursday, April 28, 2005

When too much still isn't enough


The squeamish should not read this. This may offend some people.

Ronan and I spent some serious time catching up since his 7 day trip to Alberta Some of it was talking with our mouths...most of it was speaking with our bodies.

I have NEVER experienced this before...but in one day I had so many orgasms that I simply lost count (though at a guess I'd say 9) And here's the weird thing...even though I was a bit sore and very sensitive...I STILL wanted more!!! Oh my!

The workings of men and women are so different and I admit that it's a bit unfair. While I was pleased over and over again by was a bit different for him. I was only able to bring him to that place of splendour twice in one day and though I made valiant efforts for a 3rd or 4rth just wasn't in the cards.

This morning we were both pouting. I had some minor issues this morning during oral sex and he was very hurt that I couldn't orgasm. That put a LOT of pressure on me. I didn't want to focus on that...I just want to enjoy things as they happened. Then when I finally DID have an orgasm...he asked me if I faked it. That was hurtful and a bit uncalled for I think, but I let it slide. His ego was bruised and I wasn't about to get into a discussion about faking it that early in the morning...or indeed as I was still basking in my post coital bliss.

Moments later when we were back at each other I was trying my best to please him, only to have him stop completely and say that it just wasn't going to happen...that there was too much pressure on him time wise (I had to get up and go to work in 10 minutes) and that it "wasn't that kind of morning".

So what is up with that?

He was really upset at the thought that he couldn't make me orgasm with his mouth this morning...but I wasn't allowed to get upset that I couldn't give him an orgasm. Hello Mr. Ms. Kettle...I believe you have mutual blackness in common.

There really is something strange that happens to my body around Ronan. For as sore I was yesterday...I simply could not get enough of him. I long for the day when we can spend 24 hours with each other doing nothing but making love alllll day. Ok logically we'd have to stop for bathroom and meal breaks...but for the most part we could just explore each other's bodies and all the ways we can please each other.

Let's go back to the incident this morning for a moment. Where as I have faked things in the past, I have learned from my mistake and simply refuse to fake an else will Ronan know how to help me achieve orgasm? I could fake it...but why? Who's losing out there -ME that's who. And Ronan too I me, he takes pride and joy in being able to please his partner.

It does bother me that he seemed to be OK with him not cuming this morning but that it was not acceptable if I didn't. I too love to please and half my pleasure it pleasing him. And maybe we do have to have a discussion about faking it.

Now I know I've already posted about this...but I am actually wondering more and more about the Fake Male Orgasm.

Sometimes I can' t feel it. I'm not kidding. I'm a bit of a flooder if things are working well for me...and if I have an orgasm (or many) then I get a lot wetter. I've even experienced that illusive Female Ejaculation (twice with Ronan) which of course just soaks all the bed linen and is a bit embarrassing - though I don't think Ronan actually noticed or if he did, didn't care.

So...during an average love making session I will probably have roughly 2-3 orgasms. This means I'm so lubed up I can't feel any other "foreign" liquids. Also, Ronan isn't "cut" so sometimes his semen gets trapped as it were and so there isn't much in me to begin with (or should that be 'end with'?).

Could HE be faking?

Obviously he can't fake it during oral sex, and I admit that I do love my vitamin R in the morning. I am sad when he won't let me play until he scores, but I do understand that men and women are different. It took me YEARS to have my first orgasm with a partner and another year to learn how to have one nearly every time. And with Ronan I think I have been EXTREMELY lucky and have been able to cum pretty much all the time...the exception was yesterday when I was simply just too sensitive from my countless other orgasms!

Ah well. Can't wait until Friday night...dinner, U2 concert and then lots and lots of bed time play!

3 Months and counting and I STILL can't get enough of this man...both in and out of the bedroom.


Anonymous said...

I think we can all agree that if it isn't "happening", the worst thing to do is worry about it. That just guarantees that it won't.

If it's not "that kind of morning", just rub his feet, or some other ten minutes of fun, feel-good stuff which can be great even without a big O at the end.

It's not a contest.

Tin Foiled said...

That was me, and that was pretty lame. Rub his feet indeed!

What I meant to say ten minutes of feel-good time is nice even without burping the weasel as a goal.

Tin Foiled said...

Me again -- there was a slight typo in my last post. I meant to say "taking him to the top of pleasure mountain as a goal".

It's very, very unlikely that he's faking it, by the way.

Lady K said...

Orgasms are like the icing on the cake. Being close and skin are the best parts of sex.

If you haven't been touched for a long period of time, like hugs, handshakes, whatever, you can go a bit nutso.

Though Freud had a theory that if a woman hadn't orgasmed she could go insane. Which is why some doctors provided manual help in this area. Though we all know now Freud is a bit of a twit.

Lady K said...
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Anonymous said...

Tsk, tsk, Lady K, you let the cat out of the bag - Ronan's real name has now been blogged.

On the topic, some of the sexiest experiences I've had with partners involved pleasuring ourselves with avid participation from the other. Hey, Kwerkie, if you need your morning shot of protein espresso, let R. coax one out of himself for you... ;-)

Lady K said...

One should not drink and blog. Though I suspect doing naughty things and then blogging is what makes for an interesting blog...

Anyways, I'm still curious about everyone's love language. I have cosmo fever as I always enjoy taking little tests.

Take the test if you can stand the pop ups!

Tia Steph said...

You are my new hero(ine)!!!
I have just stumbled upon your blogs and was compelled to read EVERY single entry in one go (mind you, im at work right now)!!! I truly enjoy reading your words, and think you are, by far, the most honest and open blogger I have encountered in my bloglife...
About faking it, I find I do it sometimes, just to "get it over with" - I guess that its not great to do that, especially in relationships, and I should obviously enjoy the time when I am actually having sex. No more lying...thanks!
p.s. how do you orgasm every time????I need to know!!!!!