Friday, November 12, 2004


If you haven't read "Wasn't That A Party" and the follow up "Lines In The Sand" then some of what is to follow is not going to make much sense to you. a few things have happened in a very short period of time.

1) I have met someone who has piqued my interest and with whom I have been on 4 dates.

2) Dan Brown continues our corespondence much to my absolute delight and surprise.

3) My brief friendship with Giermo has come to a crashing end all because of "truth".

To begin with, let me regaile you about my dates with Jon.

I met Jon off of Lavalife (sigh) and we pretty much had a month of communication via phone and MSN before both our hectic schedules allowed us to meet.

Our first date was uber and a brief walk along the Seawall. We didn't even do half of it as he was running late and had to meet his Mum for dinner. He brought his gorgeous dog Sasha along for our date. So initially we sat for about 10 mins and chatted. He is SUPER CUTE!!!! (ahem) and we got along well. I knew we would get on, but I was happily surprised to be very attracted to him as well.

Our 2nd date we met at extremely coolio pub close to UBC. It was pretty much an all nighter. We laughed a lot and drank a lot (must cut back on alcohol intake) and we pretty much put the cards out on the table. Neither of us are looking for "friends" but rather are interested in seeing if a relationship could develope between us. Both of us have found our past behaviour of sleeping with someone fairly soon to basically be the kiss of death to a possibility of a relationship so...with that in mind, we are wanting to take things slow and steady and not rush into anything.

That was a HUGE relief to hear from him first! I wanted to ask...Bernard that you?? But I refrained. Mostly becuase I thought he'd think me a complete nutter and make a run for it. We ended up back at his place and shared his massive bed...but not our bodies. It was nice to cuddle up to him and we had a few smooches here and there but no major make out session or anything like that. What a lovely change!

Our 3rd date was a very looonnnnggggg walk around Kits/Jerico Beach and nearly all the way to UBC. We chatted and laughed, held hands and had some smooching. Afterwards he treated us to lunch and then drove me home. It was lovely...what a great day...what a wonderful date!

Our 4rth date I treated him to Sushi and later, we grabbed a bottle of wine and went back to the place he's rennovating. We chatted some more...but ne pas de smooching. I am in limbo as to where we go from here. Part of me fears he's gone off me. Part of me thinks I'm being paranoid. Time will tell. I am willing to take things very slowly and just see where it goes. that's the scoop on Jon. There are lines in the sands of desire that I'd like to cross...but all's calm on that front so far.

Next....Dan Brown.

It's interesting to me that Dan Brown is the only person in my blog who's name I have not "disguised" in any way. I think that is perhaps due to the fact that having never met him in person, it doesn't feel like an abuse to use his real name. Aside from that, I doubt I would ever have ocasion to write anything for which he might feel embarassed or otherwise negatively about.

I had supposed that my breif correspondence with Dan would go by the way side as it were. He is a very busy journalist and I myself have a few things on my plate. I had sent him a rather thoughtful (and I had hoped thought provoking) email about how the CBC should broadcast the older, yet exciting, hockey games and I even had a job for poor ol' Don Cherry lined up in there as well. Alas I had not heard back. Still...busy lives on both ends to be considered and I must say that I'm happy the winds of fate have blown the dust off of our exchange a bit.

On the Giermo front there was a virtual maelstorm of events that unfolded. I was initially going to post our MSN conversation (as I keep all my MSN's for pondering and amusement) but I have decided against that. (for now). turns out that Giermo never once thought I was playing second fiddle to Grace. What joy. How fantastic. No...instead...he had a much BETTER reason for all of his actions at his party. ("Look at me...I'm making people happy! Oh...and in case you haven't noticed yet Marg....that was SARCASM" - Thank you Homer Simpson)

Y' wasn't that he was particularly WANTING to cross the lines in the sands of our friendship the night of his birthday part....but that due to an irrational jealousy/competition that he has with Nathan....he most certainly didn't want any of my grains mixing with Natle's or Danielle's. To put it in his own words "There was no fucking way that was going to happen on my watch" Oh yes much better.

The hurt I felt after given that explanation, was too much for me to contain. I just had mud kicked in my eyes. I don't mind admiting that I actually cried. I felt angry, hurt, embarassed, used and so many other was difficult for me to express all of them to him then as they are to you now. I composed myself as best as possible under the desert weight of emotions I was feeling and told Giermo the truth...that I no longer trusted him. He seemed perplexed that our friendship would end over this and he felt that as he had come clean with the truth that somehow that would absolve him. The truth was 3 weeks too late and the fact that he had no idea that this would hurt me just baffels me to no end.

A final note about Giermo. I did get a very heartfelt apology email from him begging forgiveness. He had words of praise in there for me about how wonderful I am and how he hopes we can still be friends etc etc. I have not trusted myself to reply to him as right now I feel I only have acerbic and profanity heavy sentiments to impart to him.

So there you have it...a brief run down on the events of one short week.

With any luck I will have more to say on the Jon and Dan Brown front another time.


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