Thursday, March 03, 2005

Fake 'n Bake

Hello my lovelies.

Been a while and I am trying to keep up with all things in my life including this! I am about to be an Aunty again in T minus 4 weeks! Hoorah. Work is also crazy busy and then of course I am spending a lot of time with Ronan. Hoorah again!

I had a very brief MSN with Winter earlier this week and we talked about Faking It.

Raise your hands those of you who at one point or another faked your orgasm. (Kwerkie raises both her hands and hangs her head in shame).

It's true. I'm not proud...I'm just sharing. I spent many years faking it. MANY years. Why why why did I do that to myself? Most lovers are fairly accommodating if you give them instructions or suggestions etc, but I felt that it would be an imposition.

I think part of the problem was that though I grew up in a VERY liberal household where sex was talked about as freely as any other topic, I didn't actually believe in my heart that I could have (or deserved to have???) orgasms with a partner. I had no problems taking myself to that place of splendour. None what so ever. However, even though I was with men who excited me and wanted to please me...I don't think I ever trusted them enough to relax in order to let go. It seemed that orgasm was a goal in sex and I became so focused on the end result I forgot to enjoy the ride.

Now....before you begin to panic and think that I am faking things with Ronan...let me assure you that I am not. And while I'm at it...I have to say that I have always had MULTIPLE orgasms with him. Here I AM proud and not just sharing but BRAGGING. *ahem* who fakes it and why?

Winter told me that MEN sometimes fake it! Is this TRUE??? HOW is that possible??? I mean...isn't there Liquid Proof???!!!! How could a man fake it and his partner not know?
Call me weird...but I always try to sneak a peak afterwards...not that I am assuming my partner hasn't had an orgasms...but honestly...and this is where it gets very detailed and if you are squeamish stop reading now.

I don't often let a man umm..."explode" in my mouth right off the bat. That's a gift they must earn. So normally we've had sex a few times before he's allowed to orgasm in my mouth. The reason I look at the condom is to judge how much "joy juice" is in there. I mean....I need to know what I'm dealing with...I don't want to be embarrassed and choke...or worse! Nothing burns quite like semen up the nose...and it's pretty yucky too not to mention very embarrassing!

Why fake it? Communicate with your partner. Talk about sex problems OUTSIDE of the's easier that way. You likely already feel very exposed and vulnerable...adding nudity will only emphasize that.

Ok,...running out of time...I will continue on with this thread another day.



Anonymous said...

Well - communication is the key to most things in life, but I believe we've discussed all we ever need to discuss on this topic....... oh - A man fake it? Two things....... 1) Who the hell would want to - and #2) Bull shit. Impossible ! What do you say if said partner takes the "sneak peak?" Oh - I really did have an orgasm - it's just that today I'm firing blanks? I need more on this from your source because as a man of some 34 years - father of one child and one who has had quite a few lovers...... uh - how does a man fake it? Damn - I thought that I was rather "mature" in the bedroom arena - and now this isn't a trick I've learned - but wait - hold on here...... just wait a minute...... I DON'T WANT TA - cause I can't fathom myself being in a position where I'd have to resort to putting blanks in the gun........ Whew - spooky topic - amusing - but spooky - NEXT !!! A

Anonymous said...

If truth be told, I have faked it...once. Yes, I know what you are thinking, "A guy, faking it, what's the point?" Who knows? Too drunk, too tired, worried about the other's selfesteem, etc. All I know is that it can be done - with the caveat that you are wearing a condom. A few grunts, a clentching of the muscles and the all important "flexing" of the mini-me and everyone is happy and none the wiser.

I believe that Houdini once faked it while getting head sans condom. How did he do it? Well, a good magician never reveals his secrets... ;-)

Lady K said...

What about Tantric sex? Supposedly men can have a semenless orgasm if they are in the correct tantric state and more than once!

Of course, I have heard about men faking it. And now I'm wondering if certain men were faking it but a very, very small selfish part of me is all, "Well it's their loss for not communicating their needs and as long as I came..."

Truly though my pride would be a little bruised if I couldn't get a man to cum, I would want to know if I was in a relationship with a man... And then do a fun lot of work to rectify the situation!