Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Walking papers delivered.

I did leave a comment in the previous post - a retort if you will to yet another "Anonymous" post but I thought I might just make this bolder statement.

If it's so painful for you dear "Anonymous" to read my posts and to hear about my experiences in whatever form they take then let me give you this golden nugget of advice - stop reading. Wouldn't that make the most sense? If it displeases you so much, why torture yourself with it?

Perhaps what fills your life with pleasure is to be mean spirited to people behind a guise so you are never having to face the full consequences of your actions/words. Perhaps you are so petty that being spiteful is the only way you actually feel something - anything - at all. I hope that this isn't true. I hope that you have a wonderful life filled with many moments of happiness that no one ever deems it necessary to point out your flaws or judge you without full knowledge of any one given situation or spout off about topics they honestly have no clue about.

I invite you to leave dear "Anonymous" so that my blog no longer effects you in any way and you can go about your own life as peacefully as you can.

Stay if you must "Anonymous" , but I will from here on in be deleting any more noxious comments left by "Anonymous" or indeed anyone else for that matter.

There are so many positive things happening in my life in the last week or so that I have decided not to make any room at all for negativity - be that as 'small' as comments on my blog to as 'large' as removing negative people in my life.

So take your walking papers and hold you head up high "Anonymous" - I don't wish you any harm, in fact, I wish you well.


Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the time-tested solution of "since I don't like what you're saying, I'm just going to eliminate it." Well, welcome to the blogging world, President Bush.

You won't need to worry about any more comments from people who disagree with you. This one has already exposed you as a fraud and is moving on.

One final thought. Shouldn't a self-proclaimed World Music lover at least know that reggaeton: 1)isn't from Central America; and 2) isn't spelled "regaton?"

Anonymous said...

hey Anonymouse - you're a big cock-bite. love, goatboy.