Monday, September 26, 2005

Just too fly

in the face of popular opinion....I do not feel the need to justify my relationship with Ronan (as bizarre as it may seem to some) to anyone.

I think I need to remind my readers of the caveat I put in my first posting though which I suppose ought to be at the very forefront of my blog. There are LOTS of fictions in this blog...there are lots of truths too. You'll have to figure out on your own which is which.

For all the commentators....I'd like to assure you that I love reading what you have to say. I might not agree with what you post...but it's obvious that you don't agree with all that I post as well. I am still waiting for Giermo to come in and write something absolutely biting, scathing and sarcastic on the "Life's a Gas" post.

Poopey issues aside...I know that you only hear one side of the story from me and you must remember 3 things: 1) that there are TWO sides to every story, 2)I tend to exaggerate beyond reason and finally 3)....I'm not called KWERKIE for nuthin'. I have my own special kind of weirdness that I bring to a relationship. (poor bastards!).

Currently I am feeling very happy. The sun is out, the leaves are falling and autumn is truly my favourite season. I love the very smell in the air. I wonder if it is because my birthday is in the autumn that I feel such an affinity with it or it is just one of those things that is ingrained in me.

Tomorrow I have a shoot out at the O’ Kwerkie Korral with my family. There are some issues to be discussed between my siblings, their spouses and myself. In all of this my Mum has been the steady and rational voice...which will shock and amaze most of you as she is normally the one with the LOOPIEST ideas and "observations". It is for this rare showing of calmness that I've recruited my Mum as mediator.

I am making spaghetti for dinner. I wonder if my brothers will get the irony of that choice of meal. When we were growing up we were very poor and Mum made spaghetti with ketchup (yucky) for dinner most nights. I guess you do what you have to to feed your family on a budget that was tighter than a cat's ass!

I am not going to use ketchup as the sauce so don't fret. It will be spaghetti with my own veggie sauce. No ground beef sister in law Delilah is pregnant...AGAIN.

Yes that is right. Noah has turned 1 and my brother and his wife decided that they missed having a 'baby' around so they are due to have another one in the last week of May of 2006. If they have a girl they will be the most perfect nuclear family. I think that thought might actually kill me...until I remember that I don't like radiation.

Ah well. I'm not as jealous as that might read. I do wish I could have a family of my own someday and I believe that is in the cards for me. I just need to have a bit of patience.

In the mean time...the sun is STILL shining, the air is crisp and refreshing and the smell of the leaves makes me warm and tingly inside.

Mucho Gusto!


Anonymous said...

Nice try, but not buying it. Most of the commenters on your blog are people who know you, and are concerned about the fact that you are dating someone who is hurtful and somewhat psychotic sounding. All one has to do is compare your earlier entries to recent ones to see a textbook example of the rise and demise of a relationship. Nobody will buy that the latest entries are "fiction". You're making excuses for him and becoming defensive. Do you honestly think people could respond any other way except with horror to the things you post about your relationship? You say those who comment "don't agree with you", but actually, all the last comments DID agree with you - you were angry and weirded out, and so were the commenters! Do what you will, but people lose respect for women who allow themselves to be treated like shit and don't do anything about it. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt, sister.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's kind of a difficult spot for you, because you aren't ENTIRELY as anonymous as you might wish. So when you write, rant and vent, people who like you (and care about you!) take it very seriously. No dashes of salt here.

No need to defend your man or your decisions -- you're the only person that can make them!

If I ever meet Ronan, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt... but I'll still be on your 'side'.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anonymous, Tracy and Anonymous. That is my biting sarcasm for this week.

Anonymous said...


I lost your e-mail address, But check this out:


Anonymous said...

Aramous here - (aaron to those people you might have mentioned me to). I won't hide behind anonymous. I read this post about how some of this is fiction - um - not the red flag stuff - I think that this is guy is not the type you bring home to mom. Half the shit that he's put you through - I wouldn't take from anyone. One thing I've always promised you from the day that I met you - is that I'd give it to you straight. Denial has certainly crept back into your life in my opinion, sort of that last fella - the one that treated you like crap. You're worth more, deserve better and frankly - it's only a matter of time. I love you always - and believe in you like many of your friends that post their feelings. Love is blind they say - I agree, it certainly can be. But in the end, it's you that makes your decisions. I'll support you in any way I can - but be prep'd for me to be in your face about all things I believe are bad for you - even boys who pretend to be men. Much love. Aaron