Monday, June 06, 2005

Good Morning Sunshine OR Enter Sandman?

Another posting about masturbation

I admit that I use masturbation as a sleeping aid. Don't get me wrong...9 out of 10 times it's purely for the pleasure...but some nights I'm just so restless that the only way to settle down is to get down. However...there is nothing quite like a little morning glory to start your day.

So my question is actually a request for some scientific info. How can having an orgasm (or 2) put me to sleep one night and then wake me up the next morning?

I don't understand. Are there different chemicals being released depending on the time of day?

Now before you call me crazy (again) there are some things that change with your body as the day goes on. For instance, your feet are always "smaller" in the morning than they are in the late afternoon...mostly due to being walked on and retaining fluid as you are upright...your lymphatic drainage occurs while you are lying down or off your feet and therefore your feet slim down while you are sleeping. (most of the time)

So what about these chemicals that are released during orgasm? I've often been suspicious of my body playing silly chemical tricks on me (I mean...c'mon...did you read some of my previous posts???)
Do these endorphyns or chemicals change with our body temperature, blood sugar levels, brain activity???

I've fallen asleep while masturbating before. Just as Napoleon thought when he invaded Russia...I thought it was a good idea at the time...but then I fell asleep on the job! Which in retrospect wasn't a bad thing as it is during those times when I am trying to use it as a sleeping I guess it worked even if I didn't get to have an orgasm.

But then there is the morning. I prefer morning sex. I'm relaxed, I'm more receptive to naturally my busy little fingers are at work before my brain even wakes up. After an orgasm or 2 my face is flushed, my blood is pumping and I'm ready to start my day with a great big smile on my face.

How is it different? I don't think I use different techniques for evening vs. morning loving. What IS the explanation?

Points to those of you who can find/figure it out or indeed BONUS points if you know the answer without having to look anything up!


1 comment:

Scarlet Hip said...

I'm still wrapping my mind around the "orgasm or two" statement. I'm impressed, and jealous.
Love your blog, so adding you to my list!