Sunday, September 12, 2004

An Introduction

Contrary to the colour,...I am not actually feeling Blue at all. But I do see patches of Blue Sky and I wanted to capture them and have them be permanently recorded for this Auspicious Day.

This is my introduction....No forethought has gone into will always be in constant danger of being edited beyond recognition. It might very well spend the rest of it's Blog Life wondering when the changes will be made...wondering what sudden epiphany usurped the initial blurb that fateful day when I unintentionally stumbled into BlogLand.

I find it odd and so like me, that the years of typing my thoughts out on a desk top, the wondering what it would be like to share my observations with others (whether they are entertained, enlightened or inspired or not) have come to an end because I was looking for directions to a shop where I fully intended to buy a vibrator.

These are the Single Files. My experience of dating in this crazy world and Hard-To-Meet-People-City of Vancouver. I can't guarantee that it will be chronological, or as witty as Sex& The City. Let' face it...I'm not likely to have as much sex as either of those hip and happenin' fabled girls of NYC. It might serve as pointers, warnings, or amusing for others who might find themselves in similar situations.

And so this will begin. The Single Files.



***small disclaimer. I love to write, sometimes my writing is good, sometimes is sucks donkey ass, sometimes it is just far too bland to even be worth categorizing. I write truth and fiction and it's up to you to decide what you think is true or false.

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